Backwoods Dark Stout Cigars are what most consider not the cutest cigars but they do the job. Backwoods Cigars have been around for years and have come a long way since their introduction in the market. These funny looking cigars are made with premium tobaccos and are available in different flavors like: Sweet Aromatic, Honey Berry, Honey and more.
Backwoods Banana Cigars feature a blend of natural tobaccos packed with the flavor of perfectly ripened bananas to produce a sweet, mild smoke. Connoisseurs worldwide admire Backwoods cigars for their unique look, affordability, high-quality tobacco, and variety of cigar flavors.
Backwoods Banana is a previously discontinued flavor that is highly sought after due to its decadent fruity flavor and distinct frayed shape that sets Backwoods smokes apart from other machine-made cigarillos.
Each pack of Backwoods Banana contains all-natural tobacco cultivated in the Dominican Republic, and an aromatic Connecticut broadleaf wrapper kept fresh by a resealable foil pouch.
The wrapper is aged for a year to accentuate the sweet, subtle notes of the tobacco's flavor profile. Another signature of Backwoods natural cigars is a high level of moisture, which contributes to a rich aroma and silky, mild smoke. Because these cigars are loosely rolled, they are easy to light and stay evenly lit with little effort.