Room 101
West Coast hip meets Far East tradition when jewelry designer and cigar visionary Matt Booth creates a blend. With the creativity of an artist and the bulldog persistence of a Marine, Matt in collaboration with Davidoff of Geneva’s master artisans, has created the incredibly popular Room 101 line of Boutique cigars. From limited-edition releases to edgy blends with bold flair and full flavor, Room 101 has become the go-to brand for those who demand quality with an edge.
Experience quality like no other with Room 101 cigars. This luxury cigar brand brings a twist to the industry with its resolve to offer excellent richness and bold flavor in a top-tier lifestyle cigar collection. Room 101 cigars were made with the purpose to honor the tradition of the cigar making process while leaving room to branch away in a new direction. This resulted in developing a new breed of modern cigar makers and enthusiasts in the form of a boutique brand.
With multiple Room 101 collections, you can enjoy a range of exquisite exotic blends that are savory, leaving you wanting to cherish every drag. When you order Room 101 cigars, expect gorgeous designs paired with a fine mix of filler leaves.