Seneca Filtered Cigars
Seneca produces quality filtered cigars with a full, rich flavor that is known for their smoothness. The Seneca cigars give you a satisfying smoke with a tantalizing, easy draw, and complex finish. Seneca cigars come in a nice variety of blends in a compact design. When a larger cigar isn't an option, these are certainly the best choice for you!
The Seneca filtered cigars are a perfect combination of quality, affordability, a natural woody taste that is full of satisfying flavor with a less chewy texture. This line of filtered cigars features delicious fruit flavors, including cherry, grape, and blackberry, wild berry, and peach. Other flavors include menthol, menthol light, and vanilla. These specially filtered cigars also come in original, robust, and light. Nectar filtered cigars are available in fruit flavors and full flavor tobacco for a rich and tasty smoke.
Filtered cigars are the most popular product in premium tobacco shops and Seneca Filtered Cigars are rated at the top. Consumers enjoy the neat smoking experience. Seneca's sophisticated and colorful packaging combines the best of the classic cigar box art and contemporary marketing. The combination of taste, excellence, and affordability make these top choices for cigar lovers. Seneca delivers a sophisticated product at a bargain price.